Reverse Logistics

GM&C has specialized in reverse logistics due to the high volume of electronic products placed on the market that need to return to the manufacturer or have their final disposal be environmentally correct, according to the PNRS - National Solid Waste Policy. GM&C ensures compliance with the applicable environmental laws in Brazil and in the transportation, management according to NBR16.156, storage, treatment and final disposal of waste.

GM&C throughout its 18 years of history, has invested heavily in research, innovation and technology and through these studies was able to achieve its goals with excellent results and be the first Company in Brazil or South America with high technology in separation of small metals electronics of the green, brown and blue lines.

For an effective control of the logistics management of these goods, we developed our own system GM&CLOG, the only one in Brazil that connects online with all customers and partners, thus, automating the processes with agility and taking information in real time, capable of integrating with other ERP systems in order to generate statistical reports, mass balance or traceability of all stages where the products or residues go through.