
GM&C is a Brazilian company, located in São Jose dos Campos, with 19 years of experience in the market of reverse logistics and recycling of electronic products. During this period we
invested heavily in research, innovation and technology for metal separation. Below we have a few numbers of great importance in our history:

● In 2018 we reached the number of 20.000 tonnes of electronics collected and processed throughout Brazil, with the Southeast containing 68% of this volume, followed by the South and other regions;
● We manage more than 15.000 collection points;
● We established 27 HUBs throughout Brazil, one in each capital city for cargo consolidation;
● Our current processing capacity is around 17.000 tonnes per year and receiving around 200 truckloads per month.

For the Management and control of these processes, GM&C has a web-based online system connected to customers and suppliers which is the first, and pioneer, in Brazil. Our goal is the
total control of the stages of reverse logistics, transparency, traceability and mass balance, as well as the environmentally correct final destination.

The raw materials generated in our processes are forwarded to specialized partners who transform them into new products, fulfilling the circular economy cycle.

GM&C has an Integrated Management System ( ISO14001, ISO45001 and R2 ) in order to demonstrate to our customers our commitment to legal requirements, environmental aspects
and impacts, occupational safety and health, destruction of customer data, and the preservation of our environment.